Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ways To Lower Your Electric Bill

It's the dog days of summer in Florida. It's HOT. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, your air conditioner accounts for almost half of your electric bill.

Here's a few tips on how to lower energy costs this summer:

  • Plant trees or shrubs around the exterior of your home to provide shade.
  • Use solar or mesh screens on your windows - this will intercept up to 70% of solar energy before it gets into your house.
  • Set your thermostat at 78 degrees when you are home and between 80-82 when your away, saving you from 5-15% on your bill.
  • Use ceiling fans when you are in the room. Turn them off when you are not. A ceiling fan that is running all of the time, can cost you as much as $7 a month.
  • Consider buying a higher SEER air conditioner. See our blog about SEER and what it means here: How to know what size air conditioner to buy.
  • Keep the filter clean so the condensation drains properly.
  • Install a programmable Thermostat. See our blog about thermostats here:What's So Hot About Smart Thermostats
  • Close drapes and blinds in the hot summer afternoon. This will keep your home cooler into the evening.
  • Use electricity between off peak hrs- run the dishwasher and do laundry after 8 PM.

Emery Air And Heat                                                       
2845 W. King St. #204
Cocoa, Fl 32926

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